Cutting the Cable

September 29, 2014
So this evening I called Verizon to request an additional setup box for the basement. They said it would increase my monthly bill by around $15, which I felt was okay as it gave me access to the recordings on my existing DVR. I was just about to ask them to ship the box, when the representative then gave me the new total and to my shock it was almost two times what I was paying before. On questioning the sudden and huge hike in rates, I was informed that my two year contract was just up and the new price was the best they could offer. I asked if removing our unused landline service would help reduce the cost, and I was told that removing it actually increased it. We asked if it would be possible to retain only the internet, and cancel the cable and landline, and we were told that they needed the phone line to provide internet (which didn’t make sense to me). Anyways, at the end of a rather long call we knew that we had no choice: we had to switch providers.

We found Comcast a plan called “blast plus” where they gave you upto 110mbps internet, local TV channels (non-HD), and a HBO Go account for around $70 per month. Now this was less than half I was to pay Verizon, so we decided to make the switch. Since we will not be getting HD channels, I will not need a setup box in the basement. I guess I will just have to create a HuluPlus account, and watch everything on my Roku3. I am also looking at indoor antennas to receive local channels in HD.

I can have then have Comcast setup box in the living room, in case we ever want to watch something in “regular D”. What this also means is I can move my LG smart TV from my living area to the basement (behind the projector screen). Of course, the 47″ TV, is small for my basement but it will have to do for now. Maybe I’ll find something during BlackFriday to replace it. I have an old 720p TV in the guest bedroom, and I plan to move it to the living room.

We have kept a two day overlap between the service providers, just in case we are not pleased with Comcast’s internet service. I have my fingers crossed, but am rather pleased with the fact that we may actually have reduced our monthly cable bill by a hundred bucks. Is this a wise decision, only time will tell.

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